I get asked all the time, “How do I stay steady in my prayer life when I’m so busy and when life is so hectic?”

I honestly get it. We have so many different demands in our lives and they never stop. Work, Family, kids, Errands, Soccer, Basketball, Homework, Church, and the list goes on and on.

While I understand the demands, I also understand that outside of fresh intimacy and time with God, I will fail miserably at all those other dynamics in my life. An even worst scenario than that is that I succeed at that list and learn how to live in my own strength, wisdom and resources while my heart slowly grows independent of the Lord and I find out later in life that what I built will not survive the fire of eternity because it was born and sustained by me instead of heaven.

It’s in light of this, that we can’t afford not to prioritize a time and place with God that we meet on a regular basis. Whether that’s early in the
morning before all the demands come (This is my best time), the middle of day, or late at night after everything has slowed down, we desperately need a time and place where we “be” with Him. In that place, we don’t first talk, but we listen, we receive, we hear, and we look at Him. It’s here where the words we speak to Him are the words He wrote on our hearts. It’s here where phrases from scripture wash us, cleanse us, renew us, revive us, and awaken us.

We live in a world that wants us to believe that the more you do and the more you accumulate is what makes you successful. The only place that delivers us from this lie is time spent in the presence of God with our bibles and hearts open. Jesus told us that when we pray, we must go into our room and “shut the door” and pray to our Father who is in the secret place and He who sees in secret will reward you openly.” (Mt6)